Saturday, March 19, 2011

An instruction manual: pt 1.

So many people starting a home based business wonder if they can really "do it". Whenever I am asked about the success that I have attaned in our home based business, I simply reply with this sentence: It has everything to do with consistency. No matter what you are doing, consistency is key in attaining success.

If you had a child just learning baseball or football, your inclination would be to take him to every practice to be sure he never missed a beat. You would make sure you took your spare time to teach him all you know about it and play with him often so that he felt confident in his abilities.

So often I see people starting out with a fire in their bellies tht is quickly fizzled out by the fact that it is work. You have to WORK your business. This should be a simple task and you would think that one would be motivated to do it since it is afterall, his own business. Reality is, that many people think that it is too hard and they get easily discouraged. They fail to plan to practice and build it.

Being great comes with a price and you have to be willing to pay that price.

The price? Everyday you must have a plan of action. Everyday you must have a goal to attain. Everyday you must do something to get i front of new faces about your business and market it. This should take you about 15 hours per week.

"15 hours!?! " This is an exclaimation that is hear frequently among those who don't want it bad enough. They have no set goal or "Why" they are building their business. Money alone is not a strong enough goal. Your "Why" must be so big that you will go all out for it and make it happen NO MATTER WHAT.

I asked a friend one day recently, " If I were your boss and asked you to work for me 15 hours extra per week with the promise of a $2500 per month raise in salary and then told you that you would only have to do this for a year and at the end of the year, you would no longer have to work the 15 hours per week but would still receive the $2500 raise - would you do it?" She quickly said "absolutely!!" I said " Wow, you will do that for your boss but you won't do it for yourself." She stopped for a minute and thought - she sat silent for a few moments looking at the wall and floor and then said softly, " You are right...what is wrong with me?"

There is nothing "wrong" with her - it is her mindset. It is all in her head and heart. She simply did not want a better life for her and her family enough to make it happen - to do whatever it takes. She was stuck in a poverty mindset. Poverty programming. It will destroy some of the greatest artists, thinkers, creators and entrepreneurs this world has ever seen. I will write more on poverty programming next time. For now, it is your consistency.

If you want success quickly and easily, make a plan and stick to it. No matter what.

Go through your calender and mark off all the times you cannot work your business and then see how much time you can work your business. Write in time each day that you will commit to working your business and then stick to it! Nothing should get in the way.

  • When a friend calls during those hours- you don't answer. ( Afterall, you could not sit on the phone with your friend for a chat working for an employer, right?)

  • You turn the TV off and create an environment conducive to your goals.

  • No dawdling. Get to work and stay there till your time is up.

  • Stay focused.

  • Do business on purpose and with purpose.

Do this everyday. Make sure you hand out business cards and make contacts each day. Let people know you are in business. Whatever your plan is - make sure you consistently do it without fail. Make notes each day to measure your success. Weed out the activities that are not making money or bringing success...replace them with new fresh activities...You will be on your way!

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