Sunday, February 27, 2011

Home Based Business Facts

Have you been thinking about starting a home-based business? If you are like most of the other people in America, you find that the commute to work, time spent away from your family and the stress of being on the run does not seem to be "worth it". Home based businesses are on the rise. They are growing in popularity at an increasingly accelerated rate. Over 16 million people own their own home-based business and find it to be a perfect fit for their families and their finances.
A home-based business could be for you. With gas prices on the rise, more and more people are finding ways to cut down on transportation costs, save money and spend more time with the ones they love.
Now the big questions; What exactly is a home-based business? How can it work for me? What are the benefits? How do I begin? Is it legal?
Let's explore your options.
A home-based business simply put is a business you run from home. Easy enough, right? Some would say so; however, there are challenges to overcome. You need diligence and a good work ethic. You must have a business mind and a good attitude. You should begin by selecting the right business for you and then setting the atmosphere for your home-based business. The beauty of a home-based business is that there is a low start up cost and a business model already in play. The host company has done all the footwork which gives you the ability to purchase a business that is already to go. Basically, business in a box! Your responsibility is to learn the business model and follow the plan the company has already laid for you. You must market your business and treat it like a business; Your business.
There are many different kinds of home-based businesses. There are companies from all areas of manufacturing and marketing that allow you to "buy in" to their business model. There are companies that allow you to distribute their products: vitamins, lotions, candles, baskets, cosmetics, perfumes, home decorating products, cookware and food products, plastic storage containers, wholesale gifts from overseas, health drinks and antioxidant juices. There are companies that allow you to distribute their services: legal service, phone service, insurance policies, financial planning, cell phone contracts, satellite tv contracts, and even now, the latest and very popular: Internet travel/vacation booking service. Most of these options do not require you to have any knowledge or experience. Although, some do require specialized training and product knowledge. Good companies will offer you free training and support so you can really make your business work!
Each comes with their own perks authorized by the host company. Some will allow you to use the product at a discounted rate. Some will give you free products when you sell a certain amount. (Yes, most companies have a quota or a minimum you must meet.) While others offer other perks that can benefit you.

In each instance there is a start up cost involved. This should not scare you away or make you gun shy. If you do your "homework" and research the company, you should know exactly what is involved. Remember, this is a business. If you were going to start up any other business wherein you were going to have to secure a mortgage or lease, insurance, and legal advice as well as building the leased space out to suit your needs and hire people that will need training - there would be ALOT of money involved... Alot more than a home business will require. Some people feel that if there are start up costs associated with a home-based business; it must be a scam. This could not be farther from the truth.

Remember too, that there is alot of information about businesses on the Internet. You are going to see both good and bad. Do not believe everything you hear and only half of what you see. If you find a company that you like and you hear both good and bad statements, be sure to find the source of the statement and what is the motive behind it. You will most likely find a competitor who is trying to manipulate you into using their product/service by making false statements. Another good quality in a company is if they are publicly traded. Regardless of the stock price, a publicly held company is a better choice than a privately held company. Find a company that you like with a product that suits you and logically will help you attain your goals. Research it and when you are ready; make the investment and the commitment.
A home-based business while offering time freedom also offers many other benefits. You can set your own schedule and work around your own life. You can make decisions based on your own needs and desires. You can "work" your business at any time and virtually from anywhere! This can be a huge benefit to you but can also be a negative factor in your business. Some people feel that because they have control they can do what they want but essentially, they stop working altogether because they are "free to do what they want" and when they fail, they blame the "home-based business" for their failure. The blame should be appropriately placed on the shoulders of the person who failed to work the business. After all, you can't go to your 9-5 in your pajamas and nap in the middle of your work day, not accomplish your daily tasks and then expect to be paid, right? Do not come into a home-based business with the preconceived idea that you will not have to work hard. You will have to work the business. If you ever hear that the business is easy and there is no work involved, you ought to run as fast as you can! That "opportunity" is most likely a get rich quick scheme that can end as quickly as it started and leave you feeling disappointed while leaving your wallet empty. A real "opportunity" is one that allows you to work as hard for yourself as you do for your employer while you reap the benefits of an employer. It is a fantastic way for you to change the way you work and play. Make no mistake, you will work...but you will be working for your own dreams instead of someone else's dreams. A good company will offer you franchise-type support and free training so you will be in business for yourself but not by yourself. This alone should encourage you to work hard and be consistent. You can achieve your dreams with a home based business.

One final thing about a home based business: it will not be instant success. Do not quit your job! If you are working on a 9-5, you will need that income to supplement and finance your new home business. It will take some time and patience for it to grow. If you are diligent and work it like you should, it will only take a short time for it to surpass and take over the income from your 9-5 and you will be on your way to complete success! Then, Fire Your Boss!!
First, you should do your homework. This does not mean just assessing the business you are interested in, but it also means that you should assess yourself. You should look at your lifestyle and understand your abilities.
Click Here to see if you have what it takes to start and succeed with a home-based business. Time and again, people say that they are too busy for a home-based business. " I just don't have time for that". ..That can only mean that they are interested in continuing to work for someone else's dreams and they are not interested in creating a different lifestyle for their family and their future. They are comfortable. They have become complacent. They have accepted their circumstance. They don't see the big picture. If they would only put the same energy and time that they put into their "job" into their own home-based business they would be far more successful and have the time and lifestyle they desire.

It is going to take a bit of sacrifice and some extra time to get it going. Click here to see a list of things you need to have in place for beginning a home-based business. You will be rewarded for getting it done right. If it is your desire to stay at home and make some extra cash or if you are interested in building a business that can make your financial picture one you love to look at, you can do it with a home-based business.
Make sure you choose the right home-based business. There are several things you should base your decision on.
The business model has to make sense.

*Is it a product that people will use because the need it or want it?
*Is it affordable and comparable to other products of its kind?
*Do people currently use it now and can I offer it at a competitive price.
*Will I use my product because I have to or because I want to?
*Does the company offer solid leadership and a good foundation?
*Is it ethical?
*Is the compensation plan good?
*How many ways will I benefit from this?
*Will this enhance my lifestyle?
*Are there quotas or minimums?
*Is there alot of paperwork involved?
*Are there charge backs because of product returns?

These are all things to consider.

There are many businesses that we have looked over and only one that fits the bill as a good, simple, useful and profitable business. The business model has to make sense, right? We found that the business model not only made sense but it is quite extraordinary. A fresh publicly traded company with a 7 year track record of doubling and tripling each year. It allows you to own an e-commerce website that is fully functional and maintained for you by the host company. They even assist in doing your marketing for you! They have full support and free training in an interactive "virtual office". There are no quotas or minimums and you can begin earning money immediately. There is no stock to buy, no merchandise to sell or private purchases you have to make to show people the products. There is no paperwork, no charge backs, no taste tests and no explanations or directions for use. This is a company whose product & service you will want to use and so will your customers. As a matter of fact, they are using them right now and the market trends indicate that the use will continue to grow and double over the next 7 years! You can offer what people love at the same price as they are currently paying to use the product/service now and sometimes that will even get a better price from you. There are a ton of perks and benefits from owning this business and using your own product. It is fun, healthy and necessary. The company pays out weekly and monthly. It gives you the opportunity to make money 10 different ways. Your business model offers you the ability to work it a little or alot. You can make as much or as little as you want. There are no restrictions. Your income is not dependent on anyone but you.

Are you ready to take the next step? Start Here...Take a look at the business model we recommend.

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